
This is my wonderfully random blog about food, life and pigeons. And some other stuff. Enjoy!

Monday 26 October 2009

Prague: And Finally...

...My time in Prague left me with good memories, and good views!!

Prague: The Pigeons!

Aww, Czech pigeons!

Prague: The Signs

As soon as we got out there, it was obvious that the people of Prague have a particular love for strange signs...

A giant watch outside a... (you'll never guess)... watch shop!

What's this supposed to be??!? A kangaroo sniffing a bin?!?

. . . ?

Aww... cuter than back here in jolly old England!

Ah, the world needs more of these!

They didn't know which way round the 'F' went, so they just put it twice!

It's good to know the Czech people have 118 118!